Why Cap Ex?
Since 2005, we have guided hundreds of public, private, institutional, and nonprofit projects ranging in size from $500,000 to $100M. Our proven leadership helps organizations to minimize financial risk, increase impact, and gain critical bandwidth and expertise.
Cap Ex helps you to Build with Confidence.

Our Advantage
Cap Ex Advisory Group bundles high-level knowledge of various disciplines to guide impactful capital expenditures in three ways:
- We lead individual capital projects.
- We serve mission-oriented funders.
- We solve unique built environment challenges.
Learn the Lingo
What Is Owner’s Representation?
Traditionally, an Owner’s Representative – or Owner’s Rep for short – advocates for the interests of an owner during the development of a capital project. The Owner’s Rep typically assembles and leads teams of architects and builders. In this capacity, the Owner’s Rep is responsible for overseeing design and construction. At Cap Ex, we extend this service to include refining project vision and planning, maximizing financing (including new sources), planning operations, navigating public policy and community relations, and solving unique challenges.
What Is a Capital Expenditure?
Capital expenditures (often abbreviated CAPEX or Cap Ex) are funds spent by a business or organization to undertake new projects or investments. This may include acquiring or upgrading property, buildings or equipment. Capital expenditures are used to enhance and maintain physical assets, to invest in a business venture or initiative, or to address operational deficiencies.
What Is a Capital Project?
A capital project may involve the acquisition of property, new construction, or an expansion, renovation, or replacement of an existing property. These projects tend to require large sums of money, are extremely complex, and can take years for planning and construction. Cap Ex Advisory Group simplifies the process.